Holmfirth Arts Festival 2018

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I’ve had a busy time recently working on the Arts Festival. After making the metal frames for three fish and a heron i worked initially with Hepworth Junior School to bring them to life by adding a colourful coating of knitted supermarket carrier bags, wire and plastic bottle tops. Next i worked with local artist Sarah Branson to site twelve different artworks along the river through the centre of Holmfirth making the ‘River of Art’. Then i got to perform as part of the weekends festivities alongside Andy Burton of Satellites Theatre as a musical chancer with the ‘Funky Junk’ instruments we made many years ago. Initially the instruments were made from junk fetched out of the River Colne after a clean up and they’ve gradually been added to over the years. It was great fun hearing all the different sounds people made using the various instruments. Once that was over it was the de-rig of both ‘Funky Junk’ and then the “River of Art’. Needless to say i was quite knackered by the end of it all. Next weekend – the start of the preparations for artweek’ !